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Things To Note When Renting A Meeting Room

Company meetings held off site to bring staff a change of environment is growing in prominence. More companies, even religious and non-profit organizations, are looking to rent meeting rooms for their offsite meetings and events. Here are some things to note when booking a hotel meeting room: ....

Should You Buy Your Own Property in a Ski Resort?

Many skiers dream of skiing in the mountains and owning a place in one of their favourite resorts. When it comes to popular resorts, the city is well regarded as the perfect getaway for a ski holiday. There are many offers 'sell your property, which must have gotten you to think whether you can....

Why So Many Empty Stores? 7 Possible Reasons

When one travels through nearly any community, he discovers, and observes, a number of empty stores, which, quite often, remain unoccupied, for lengthy periods of time. While there are a variety of reasons and causes, there can be little doubt, there is a cause, for concern, because of its impa....

Choosing a Commercial Property

When leasing or buying commercial property, there is a great deal of things that you need to consider. This may determine how well your investment will be able to perform in future and so it should be done with the greatest care. You need to consider the property and this should include all ....

Have You Ever Thought About Owning Property?

What does it really mean to invest in yourself? I mean yeah stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. But what is your plan once you reach the point you're dreaming of? Of course everyone should constantly be saving for retirement, but isn't there another goal besides that? Starting a low cost business....

Can I Get a Commercial Mortgage Without a Deposit?

The mortgages typically require the borrowers to make large deposits. The industry standard for their deposits is 20 to 40 percent of the property value. Why? Because they are considered to be risky by banks and lenders. They increase the size of the deposit to reduce that risk. As surprisin....

Quick Things to Know Before Selecting a Property Agent

Most people save money for years before investing in their first home. Expectedly, a considerable amount of homework goes in the entire process. Regardless of your experience in real estate, you should consider getting a property agent onboard for the deal. In this post, we will talk about a fe....

Factors You Cannot Ignore When Buying Commercial Property

Buying commercial property from where to run your business can be one of the best decisions you make especially on costs. It is a much better choice cost wise compared to properties on lease or rentals that can be quite pricey. It is however important to remember that commercial real estate car....

How to Market Your Commercial Real Estate Loan Business

All too often I see small business owners missing the mark with their marketing. Sure, it's easy to do when you specialize in a specific industry niche and you spend your time engulfed in industry sector jargon. However, it's best to put yourself in your potential customer's shoes and think you....

5 Hidden Office Space Costs Business Owners Must Be Aware

When a small business owner is looking out for an office space for his/her business, he/she often assumes that the only amount to be paid is the cost of the lease. But one has to be very careful while renting an office space as there are several hidden costs associated with the office space ren....

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