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How to Sell a House Privately

Not so long ago selling a house was possible only through a real estate agent. This was mainly because there was no way for sellers and buyers to connect directly. And, the real estate agents would charge an exorbitant sum for providing their services in form of commission. But thanks to the in....

Listing Agreements - What Happens When You Cancel a Listing Agreement?

Listing agreements can differ from one to another. The real differences lie on the clauses and sections of the contract. It is important to carefully read the agreement before signing it. Being knowledgeable on what it states is your best weapon against any possible problems you might face when....

What's Required to Make a Profit on a House?

Leona Lewis in one of her pop songs once cried out that "It gets better with time". Like love which when people involved endured the tests of time, relationships get better. Translating it into the concepts of real estate, owning a house is one good investment that rakes profit as time pass by.....

Why Houses Must Be PRICED Right, From The Start?

A major consideration, in marketing and selling real estate, is, it must be PRICED, right, from the start! Since, in the vast majority of instances, the best offers, are made, in the first few weeks, after it is listed, on the real estate market, doesn't it make sense, to professionally, create....

6 Important Factors to Consider When Getting a Property Management System for Your Hotel

If you think of a hotel as a well-oiled machinery, with its million little parts functioning together to deliver a seamless experience, a good property management system (PMS) is the heart that keeps the machine beating perfectly. From simple check-ins and check outs to offering sublime experie....

Know How Estate Agents Value Properties For Sale

Every homeowner wants to sell his or her property for its maximum value. And, too often they end up choosing an estate agent simply on the basis of whoever provides them with the biggest initial valuation. However, this will be a costly mistake. What your house is valued at matters. If you g....

5 Things to Do Before Renting Out Your House

Renting your property may seem like an easy way to increase your passive income, but upon starting the process, you may find it to be more complicated than expected. Your house may sit on the market for months without a rental applicant because it is priced above the fair market rent. A bad ten....

How To Be A Landlord Without The Headache

It seems like just about everyone reaches a point in their life when they want to be a landlord. From reality TV shows to glamorous stories of how a few stand-out individuals went from working full-time to making hundreds of thousands of dollars off their rental properties, there's really no wo....

Some of the Things You Should Consider When Choosing a Property Maintenance Company

All types of buildings require maintenance. Whether residential or commercial, it is very important to take care of the property so as to have it in shape for many years to come. You therefore need a professional service provider so as to guarantee quality at all times. The company can conduct ....

Is Owning Rental Property, For You?

For some individuals, owning, and operating, rental, real estate properties, is a great idea, while, for others, this might not be the case! The difference, not only applies, to the specific property, but, also, each individual's personality, attitude, and personal, specific strengths and weakn....

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