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5 Reasons To Hike To The Highest Point In All 50 States!

Add the thrill of the 50 high point challenge to your bucket list of life long goals and you won't be disappointed! Would you believe that America offers a vast array of thrilling high and low mountain adventures? Mt. Washington at only 6,288 feet, the highest point in New Hampshire, once held ....

Hiking Vs Trekking - The Differences

The terms seem to be used interchangeably on many websites and travel books. It becomes even more confusing when some companies sell their boots as 'trekking boots' and then proceed to state that they can be used on long hikes. And when is a walk a trek and when is it a hike? It becomes even mo....

These Hiking Boots Are Made For Walking - 5 Things to Remember When You Buy Your First Pair

Buying new boots - do your research. New Boots - this is the best part of starting out. The trip to the store to buy those rather costly, very impressive leather hiking boots. Tried and tested on many trails, you will be beguiled with fancy terms like 'upper,' 'split grain,' 'outsoles,' 'lower....

How to Backpack With a Toddler

Backpacking with children might seem like a crazy idea, but it can be a ton of fun if done right. But before embarking on this adventure with your toddler, you have to take all the proper precautions so that you and your little ones are safe. In this article, I will give you a few tips on how t....

Hiking in Central Slovakia

If you enjoy a relaxed pace of life, rolling hills, rugged mountains and the sort of bucolic scenery that has attracted romantic sorts for generations then Slovakia is the place for you. From exciting hikes in the High Tatra mountains for those with experience, and gentle berry-picking, sightse....

Travel Diary: Hiking in the Highlands

There's nowhere on earth quite like Scotland. You can find yourself in a bustling city one second, and then be out in the moors without a soul in sight the next. I have to say, we didn't quite know what to expect when we decided to set off along one of the most famous walking trails in the coun....

A Solo Journey Into The Wilderness

To get lost in the woods! I was in the trance state dreaming about the gigantic Himalayas, the high and low thriving green valleys, the water flowing from the narrow streams and making a way through rocks and down the hills. That's when my watch struck 4PM, and I woke up from the catnap by a....

Fun Hike In The Great Smoky Mountains National Park

I love to go hiking and have made it a personal mission to go to all of the national parks throughout the United States. This past fall, I visited the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, located in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The ranger's station had a lot of information, as well as great maps. ....

The Great Heaphy Track of New Zealand

If you want a real hiking challenge in the majestic New Zealand South Island landscape, then head out to the Kahurangi National Park, where the Heaphy Track is waiting for the most adventurous tourists. Heaphy is included in the list of the nine Great Walks in New Zealand. A number of hikers ev....

Hikes in Acadia National Park, Maine

Whether you are looking for a gentle stroll or a full on adventure to get the adrenaline pounding, Acadia National Park in 'Down East' Maine is the perfect place to come. There is a hike for everyone here in this beautiful natural playground, so strap on your boots or walking shoes and get on o....

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