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Luxurious Travel Guide for Iceland

Accompanied by the serenity and vastness of the North Atlantic Ocean, Iceland serves as one of the most peaceful yet extraordinary retreats for the aspirant ones who find salvation in travelling around the world. It in-fact has been ranked as the most peaceful country of the world by the Global....

Fantastic Ride On The World's FASTEST Train

Cut to 27 years later and I find myself on the Shinagawa station waiting for guess what- the SHINKANSEN! I was waiting in excitement with my wife and kid hoping to the catch the first glimpse of the train. My child was even more excited waiting for "zupp" ( has to be said with a movement of you....

Travelling Tips for the Disabled

Unlike in the past, today people with disabilities have been recognized, and are less discriminated against. In many countries there are legislations that protect them and make their life a little easier. Also many public buildings have been designed or renovated in order to accommodate people ....

Exposed Brick Wall DIY

How to create an exposed brick wall Firstly, what you'll need: Brick chisel Small crow bar Plastic sheets Scrubbing brush Brick sealer Dust mask & eye protection Step 1 Protective sheets. As you can imagine removing the plaster from your brick wall is messy work! This....

12 Clever Ways to Re-Purpose Your Furniture

They say 'one man's trash is another man's treasure' and that's true, but that doesn't mean you can't take your own junk and make it a treasure once again. By reusing your old furniture, you can add some great charm to your home d....

5 Simple, Basic Home Maintenance Steps

While, for most people, the value of their house, represents, their single, largest, financial asset, it's somewhat amazing, so many, do so very little, to protect it, to the best of their abilities. While we've all heard the adage, An ounce of Prevention, and some, heed this advice, when it co....

8 Things You Should Consider When Renovating Your Home

1. Plan your renovation properly and stick to your plans, as changing your mind during a project can be costly and can really slow down your progress. Ensure you apply for and get permission, if needed, from the correct regulatory bodies for your project before you begin work. You will not w....

Home Renovation and Upgrade Projects

When it comes to home renovation, a lot of people get scared off by the price tag associated with making changes. But the truth is that most of the expense comes from employing people to do the job, not on buying materials and tools. That is why it is a good idea to think about what home renova....

Getting Creative With Making Patio Furniture

You might be an avid do-it-yourself fan or perhaps it's something that you will try for the first time. There might be many reasons why you want to make your own furniture which may be price or you have a unique idea. Either way, you can be creative and do it yourself when it comes to making yo....

Common Types of Roofs Used When Building a Shed In Your Backyard

Building a shed in your backyard is a practical undertaking. Having a shed will give you a place to store things that normally would not be allowable in your home. This could be your snowmobile or motor cycle. It would be a great place to use your power tools when become involved in various con....

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