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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Custom Home

A custom home is different from a resale home or a spec home. As a matter of fact, it's you who will design the space based on your needs. You can decide on the rooms layouts, finishings style and the building material quality. When taking these benefits into account, make sure that you know th....

Wood Versus Brick - Which Make The Best Homes?

Building or buying a house is a huge decision, and one that weighs heavily on the person doing the purchasing. What if you make the wrong choice? What if there are some serious problems you didn't catch during the initial inspection? What if you miss something and tragedy happens? There are ....

Micro Joint Ventures - The Best Way To Buy A Brand New Home

Micro Joint Ventures (or "Micro JVs") are when a small group of like-minded buyers pool their resources to benefit from the "grouped" buying power. In the context of buying a brand new property, the group would partake in a small property development project. The aim would be for each micro joi....

Causes of Deterioration in Building Structures

Building deterioration is something that happens as time passes by. Simple exposure to natural elements will gradually cause deterioration, particularly in its appearance. While maintenance can hasten this, it is important for owners to know the different causes not only to have knowledge of th....

Luxury Houses - How You Could Make Your House

When you discuss luxury houses, the ordinary issue on this is the cost. Dislike a standard private land property that can be purchased for a large portion of a million dollars. Luxury houses can require twofold or even triple a million dollars. Regularly, these properties can be sold in the ....

5 Steps To Get A House Sold

At some point, in - time, most of us, decide, it's the right time, to sell our home, for a wide variety of reasons. After, well over a decade, as a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, in the State of New York, I have often, considered, the options and alternatives, actions, etc, which make a sign....

Pricing A Home For Sale: The Fine - Line Between Too High, Too Low, Just Right!

For a variety of reasons, at some point, most people decide, the time is right, for them, to sell their home. Since, for most, the value of this house, is, their single - biggest, financial asset. or one of them, wouldn't it make sense, when this time arrives, you are more aware of some real es....

Calculating the Real Value of Your Home Without an Agent

Selling your home without an agent can be a huge decision. It can feel like a giant mountain of a task for first-time sellers. Selling your own house by yourself might sound empowering and there's no doubt that it's a challenge to sell your home by yourself as there's a lot that goes into the p....

How to Successfully Sell My Property Without an Agent?

For sale by owner' can save you a huge fee when you eliminate the typical 7 percent commission fee for the real estate agents. Homeowners, who are worried about selling their house without an agent, remember that it is a learning process. Price your home right If you are one of those people....

Points to Keep in Mind Before Selling a Property

Our services enable the sellers and buyers to meet and speak to the best property experts in Cyprus property. We provide the best and the latest resources and technologies in the complicated real estate sector; along with these we also provide the best team of human experts. We have a very good....

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