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Author: Gerjo Ben Van Der Merwe
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Walking the Dog or the Dog Walking You?

I think in pictures and see verses playing in my head like a movie clip. What does the picture of the following verse look like? 24Some men's sins are evident, pointing to judgment, but other men's sins are revealed later (Modern English Version). The first picture I see is of a man walking a dog. The dog is pulling so strongly on the leash that the man has to run after it. The dog is the sin the man has done. Everybody can see it. He doesn't really care that everyone can see it. These must be the people who don't care about God and are not ashamed of what they've done. They don't care about their dogs or rather their sins running ahead of them towards the final judgement. The second picture, however, is a little closer, maybe a little too close for comfort for some of us. Let's see what this verse looks like in The Message translation. The picture becomes a little clearer: 24The sins of some people are blatant and march them right into court. The sins of others don't show up until much later. A friend of mine got a dog from the Animal Welfare Organisation. It's a pretty dog, but it must have been knocked about before being rescued. When the dog sees you, it runs away. Much later he creeps back, tail between the legs. As if he's been caught doing something wrong. It seems as if he feels guilty about something, but doesn't even know what. Crooks will be found out, as they say. Playing cowboys and crooks as children, the crooks were always the bad guys who did the bad things. As children we learned that it would always somehow come to light when we did the wrong thing. This is where the second dog appears. He was found out. Someone found out what he had done wrong. Everybody thought this was a good person who did everything right. But when you scratch the surface, his true colours come to light. I've told the story of the white and the brown dog in our lives. The white dog represents good and the brown dog, sin. The dog that barks the loudest, is the one you feed the most. Today the question is in your face: Which dog do you feed the most? Yes, we all make mistakes. Sometimes we slip up and do or say things that feed the wrong dog. And yes, we know that Jesus died for these wrong deeds too. But let's make a point of not falling into the trap and doing the wrong things. We all know where the right road is. Let's stay on it and in that way ensure that we live within God's will. Scripture 1 Timothy 5:23-25 Reflection What do your dogs look like? How must you live differently? What must you get rid of? Prayer Father, I know there are things in my life that I must get rid of. I know there are things You do not like. Please give me strength and wisdom to push through and to live within Your will more and more. Amen. For more information go to http://www.crossroad247.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10129416