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Author: Thomas Jay Daniels
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Watch More Tennis Video

I wish we would have had videos or the internet when I played the game. Man, it could have helped me a lot, because back then, we would only be able to watch the pro tennis matches on TV and that came rarely. For you tennis parents out there. "Videos can make any tennis parent, look like a great tennis coach. " It's so true too and why more tennis parents don't use it, is amazing to me. To play like the top players in tennis, you will have to watch more video of them and study their strokes and patterns of play in detail and in slow MOTION if you can. Keep watching what they do from start to finish on their smooth strokes and take mental notes while doing this. This will imprint the image on your subconscious mind because after you can do that, you will be able to do it on the court. Players can hack into the learning stage of tennis just by watching more videos of the top ranking players. And this will allow them to progress much faster in their lessons and in practice. All tennis coaches should be using video in their lessons. I do and it helps my students much better than I could by talking all the time. "For tennis students, who can really focus when watching these videos, they all seem to just leapfrog, the learning curve in their lessons. " So make sure you start watching more video and watch a lot of them, you can also use your mobile phone and watch it while you are going to school or work. Picture the stroke in your mind, during your downtime at work or at school, or at night, before you sleep. See if you can get in some shadow swings right before you go to bed, that way, your subconscious mind, will be working on the stroke for you, while you are sleeping. I would do that every night too. Tennis coaches use video to tape their players and students in lessons, but not many use YouTube like they should, to help their students discover their strokes. As a coach and a player, we all must leverage the power of video more, in the future, by watching more of them and using them in our lessons. It's almost like we have that hidden piece of gold in plain sight and when don't even grab it. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow! Get your free "Warrior Report" and FREE online mental course here- http://www.freementaltennistips.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9319622