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Author: Thomas Jay Daniels
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The 3 Ms For Tennis Club Owners

There are 3 things that all tennis club owners should be doing and they start with the letter M. Keep reading and find out what they are. If you run a tennis club, your biggest problems should all relate to these words with the first letter M in them. And those words are as follows. Model. Find the best tennis clubs out there in the country and model your business after them. Get on their mailing list and mystery shop them and study their business model. Pay close to attention to what they are doing to attract prospects and how they are closing on them, then adopt those same concepts for your own club. Be creative too. Tweak it a bit to make it fit into your club's own style and brand. Marketing. Marketing is developing a system to get a hot lead and then closing that prospects and getting them to sign up at your club. Tennis club owners should read books, take courses and go to seminars. "Marketing is tough and it is a numbers game, you must work those numbers daily and keep adjusting your approach while working them, until the number start working for you. " You will get better at it over time, but you have to be relentless in your studies. Because marketing is very complex. Management. Okay, the last M stands for management. Lead by example at your club and get every one of your staff on the same page with the vision that you have for it. Have a meeting and get all of them sold on your vision and ask them to help you with the creation of it, build a team culture and push them into their greatness. As the owner of your club, you must be super positive, great with working with people and you have to know how to motivate them. All great clubs have great team management. I have studied many great businesses and they are all ran by a person with character and leadership. Think about that. "Because your club's future success, will be determine by how well you can manage it now". Those are the 3 Ms that every tennis club owner should be using to grow and expand their programs. Take a hard look at all 3 again and then come up with a plan to start implementing all of them in a more systematic way. Look at this like a puzzle and your job is to figure it all out and fit the pieces all together. It may get messy at times, but that is part of the process, so hang in there. Things will work out eventually, because they always do!! Good luck to you guys!! Grow your tennis club in just 21 days with this free online course- http://eepurl.com/bQf7_H Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9471856