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Author: Sinthia Francis
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The Advantage Of Playing Tennis

Many children of today's age are no longer into physical activities. Medical experts are voicing their concern over the alarming rate by which lifestyle diseases like heart disease and diabetes have increased. Apart from eating unhealthy fare, a sedentary lifestyle is being pinpointed by these experts as another of the crucial factors behind this trend. What is even alarming is that this trend is no longer confined among adults. Even young kids are falling prey to these diseases. If you are a parent and you wish to protect your children from these diseases, it is not merely enough to clean up your family's diet. It's even more important to get your family up and moving about by engaging in outdoor activities. Coaxing your young ones to get off the couch and momentarily leave the TV, the tablet and their gaming consoles offers several benefits. Playing in tennis courts, for example, can help a child become physically fit while allowing him to master various motor skills as he learns the rudiments of the game. As he learns to love the sport and constantly play it, he will be less likely to gain excess weight. According to some studies, active children often grow into adults who have normal weight. Furthermore, other sporting activities such as rugby can help prevent a young child from developing type 2 diabetes. Children who get into physical activities at an early age carry the habit into adulthood. Apart from the physical benefits of outdoor play, children who engage in these activities become less stressed and are less likely to suffer from depression. This is particularly beneficial for children who may be often overburdened at school. Sports also impart several life lessons like discipline and concentration which prove to be valuable in different aspects of life. Finally, young kids who engage in outdoor activities may develop leadership skills which may benefit them when they become employed or start their own businesses. Kids who regularly engage in sports and outdoor activities are also less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. Being a part of a team enhances both their confidence and self-esteem. Also, kids who play sports are more likely to perform well academically. Before you enroll your child in a sports program, it is worthwhile to choose one that he is actually interested in. Otherwise, you may only be wasting your time and money. When he chooses one sport to his liking, make sure that you give him encouragement. Help him achieve balance in various facets of his life, including his schoolwork and his chores at home by engaging him into sports like playing tennis. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9550021