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Author: David Robert Bowen
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Follow the Fal! 'Boys Own' Adventures for a Cornwall Cottage Holiday

There's masses to do in Cornwall, whatever your taste. But have you thought about doing something a bit different? You could hang out at the beach. Drive or cycle around the countryside. Go surfing. Take the kids to an adventure park - there are plenty. Or pack a bag, hire a bicycle or get your walking gear on and give the whole family a proper Boys Own-style adventure. How? Why not follow the Fal? The River Fal, which lends its name to Falmouth and flows into the sea at Feock, is the perfect place for a real adventure whatever your age. Take a cottage in Cornwall to rent in or near Feock and you're right on the doorstep of lovely Loe Beach, Falmouth beach and beautiful stretches of sand on the Roseland. Bustling, lively Truro and Falmouth are only a short drive away. And the River Fal punctuates the landscape, flowing graciously through the countryside, creating a watery road you can follow to discover some of the county's best beauty spots and attractions. At its estuary end the River Fal runs slow and deep. The land is heavily forested and the trees reach right down to countless, jewel-like sandy beaches and tiny coves. The Fal's source, just under twelve miles inland, is at lovely Goss Moor near St Austell, an area amazingly rich in history and industrial archaeology, at the centre of Cornwall's ancient China Clay mining industry. And home to one of the county's most exciting and internationally important heathland and wetland nature reserves. You can cross the river at Sett bridge, near Ruan Lanihorne, where the river turns tidal. It's a brilliant place to watch the tides turn in one of Cornwall's largest estuaries. And a great place for birdwatching, where the Fal takes a great, sweeping curve join the Truro River and five other sizeable tributaries before flowing out to sea. The water here is very deep, well over 100 feet in places, creating the world's third biggest natural harbour. In fact cottages in Cornwall to rent deliver easy access to a grand total of almost thirty fascinating smaller rivers and large streams to explore, many of which are accessible via footpaths, bridleways and other rights of way. And most also navigable by boat - there are plenty of hire companies in the area. In fact there are almost 5,000 moorings on the Fal, suitable for anything from deep water ships to yachts, dingies, fishing and pleasure boats. Plus there's plenty of ferries and river boat trips to enjoy, all good value for money. Follow the Fal and you'll find loads of excellent places to stop for a snack, drinks, lunch or dinner. Fantastic waterside views. Superb seafood and international cuisine. And a mellow, laid back atmosphere that'll make your holiday truly unforgettable. But despite all this, it's far from exclusive. Cottages in Cornwall are an affordable option for almost everyone. And when you're self catering it cuts the price of a holiday right down, as well as giving you the flexibility to follow the Fal all day and far into the night if you wish, without missing out on hotel meals! If you're looking for a great selection of cottages in Cornwall to rent [http://www.cwlcot.com/], try Cornwall Holiday Cottages offering dog friendly cottages in Cornwall [http://www.cwlcot.com/index_cottage_booking.php]. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6080252