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Author: Trevon Munroe
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Bicycle Storage and Ways to Secure Your Bike

If you are like me, a true biking enthusiast, some of the things on your mind when it comes to biking are storage and most importantly security. God knows how I would react if my mountain bike were to be stolen or if something were to happen to it while I was on one of my biking journeys. So, today I will be addressing the issue of how to store your bicycle and ways of securing it. Storing your bike There are many ways of storing your valued possession. This does not have to be anything fancy, I am sure you can find many places in your home or even your yard to store your bike. Personally, when I am not using my bicycle I would usually store it in my house; more specifically in a corner in my bedroom. I also have a friend who would store his racing bike in his hallway because he has no other place to put it. Other places in your home that can be utilised include under the stairs and over a door. Another place in your home you can use includes a storage room. This is one of the best options if available as you are able to put the bike in a place where it won't be seen and be of any obstacle to anyone. An added benefit of this is that you can also have your various bicycle tools in that storage room along with your bike for easy access making repairs and servicing easy. Garage bike storage is a similar option if you have the space. Closely related to the storage room is a bicycle storage shed. I have seen this type of facility at several stores I have visited, but also it can be set up at home preferably in your back yard. With a shed, you can store multiple bikes in one place but ensure you lock your bike(s) to prevent theft. I have seen many people who would just find a corner in their yard and use it to store their bike without even setting up a shed. Securing your bike while on the road At some point you will be on the road with your bike, whether it involves shopping, commuting, racing, touring or just a simple adventure, and you will need to ensure it is well protected and safe from unscrupulous individuals. The most basic advice I can give you here is to buy a strong and durable lock. This is an essential that should be included in your list of bicycle accessories. Ensure you take your lock with you whenever you are on the road and find the closest post or rack to lock it to your bicycle if you will be away (for example, you enter a store or shop for a quick snack). If you do not have a lock and you have to enter a building, whatever it may be, ensure you park your bike within eyesight or ask if you could park it at the back of the building. In addition to a good bicycle lock, a great way of stopping potential persons from riding away with your mountain bike is to make it not ride able or difficult to ride. The simplest way to do this is to release the quick release on your wheels or remove the chain off of the crank arm. By doing either of these two things, you will make it much harder for a person to steal your bike or if they do, they will not be able to ride it easily. The above mentioned tips are basic yet effective methods of helping you to store and secure your joy ride. Follow them every time and you will save yourself the heartache of losing your bike and also a lot of bucks. Until next time, see you. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9004355