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Author: Kate Kaya
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Five Keys to Finding Great Beach Rentals

Deciding to take a beach vacation is one of the best things you can do for you and your family. There is something about being near the ocean that seems to wash all worries out of sight. Before you can begin sunning yourself on the beach however, you need to arrange for the accommodations and travel plans. While this may seem slightly painstaking, the planning will be well worth it in the end. First off, there are so many beautiful beaches around the world to choose from, so how do you pick the best one? What part of the country or the world are you heading to? This may be largely influenced by the amount of time you have off and the amount of money you have in your trip budget. Even if you live 1 or 2 hours from the beach, taking this short trip allows you to have maximum time in the sun and allows you to get out of town. 1. Find the Right Destination The beaches in the United States are certainly beautiful but perhaps you are looking for something more exotic. If this is the case, the Mediterranean can be the perfect tropical destination spot. Perhaps you would like to go to sunny Spain or the posh French Riviera, or you could head further out to the island of Cyprus and enjoy some breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and the mountainous regions of Turkey. 2. Evaluating Costs Once you have chosen the spot you need to factor in the cost. You may have found the perfect locale but can you afford a rental house or just a small villa? There are several different travel websites that can assist you in finding that perfect, affordable place on the beach. 3. Finding the Right Sized Rental Next you need to make sure you are able to accommodate the number of people coming with you. You don't want to rent a 2 bedroom villa in Tahiti when there are 8 people in your party. You need to find the right size to make sure everyone is comfortable and has their own space. This is especially important if you are going with your spouse and other couples. With the beauty all around, you will want some alone time with your partner. Also, you will need to figure out how the cost will be broken up. If you have a larger budget to work with, perhaps something slightly more lavish will work out well. If you are there on a small budget and are not as concerned about personal space, room sharing in a smaller rental can give you the opportunity to enjoy the experience without spending too much money. 4. What Kind of Beach Location are you Looking for? You will want to see what type of beach it is that you are going to. Is it a public or private beach? Is it a nude beach? These are important questions to ask especially if you are travelling overseas to unfamiliar beaches. The last thing you want is to walk out on the beach with your children only to realize you are the only one wearing swim suits! You will also want to figure out the weather around that beach at the time of year you will be there. You don't want to be sitting on the beach in Cancun during the Monsoon season. Make sure there are plenty of sunny days during the time of your stay 5. Understand the Terms of the Rental Agreement Make sure you discuss the exact term of payments, deposits and other technical aspects of renting a villa for the amount of time you will be there. Are there any non-refundable payments? If something breaks, how liable are you. Reading the small print and discussing these things with the homeowner or leasing agent will help assure that you will not run into any hidden costs or problems with the property. As a general rule, as long as you leave the place in the same condition as you found it, you should not be forced to pay any additional fees when you vacate. We do care about homes. Join us! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9876844