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Author: Anastasia Kanli
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Going Green With a Sailing Charter Yacht

Nowadays people, when trying to decide on a new place for their holidays, are usually concerned about the environment and try to find ways to be eco-friendly and ensure their contact with nature. One of the most environmentally friendly choices for a vacation is sailing around a group of islands, such as the Cyclades. Sailing allows tourists to really enjoy the sea, the sun, and the wind. They also have the opportunity to live in a paradise on earth. At the same time sailing is definitely a green way of traveling and entertainment. Don't forget that you travel with the help of the wind (no carbon emissions or energy waste); you can take delight in the natural beauties you come by along your voyage; you enjoy the crystal waters or other activities, such as hiking, scuba diving, fishing, for free and what's more, they are not harmful to the environment. At the end of the day you will feel the sea breeze, an incomparable feeling of freedom and relaxation in the middle of the summer. Remember that on a sailboat there is no need to use air conditioning (which is rather harmful to the environment). All of the above are enough to ensure a pleasurable sailing holiday thanks to your "clean" attitude. Furthermore, if you are really sensitive about the environment there are many things you can do to prove true to your word. Keep in mind that all our activities have an impact on the environment so try to reduce your own impact by traveling with a sail boat. The first priority of an eco-aware sailor is respect for nature. That means you have to try to be part of the landscape and of the local way of life. In other words, you should travel as a friend and not as an invader. It goes without saying that you don't ask for facilities and products unavailable and incompatible with the natural landscape and the reality of every island you visit. Do a variety of outdoor activities which let you enjoy the destination and keep you fit, too. Being outdoors and experimenting with kayaking, sailing dinghies, windsurfing boards, kite boards, snorkel gear, floating mats, hiking or simply wandering around, will prevent you from having to waste energy and other resources often needed for indoor activities. It will also ensure that you get to see the destination firsthand and feel part of the local experience. In addition, while scuba diving or snorkeling, be very careful not to touch and destroy parts of the marine life. Also, try to reduce the amount of waste you produce and be sure not to leave any garbage before leaving an island. Avoid using plastics on board, prefer reusable shopping bags for your supplies and recycle when possible. For your provisions opt for local groceries where you can find traditional products, in harmony with the history of the place you have just visited. People who produce cheese, wine, fruit etc. do not pollute their land and water; they do not use pesticides and do not overuse packaging. Visiting farmers' markets and local grocery stores can help support locals while reducing your own environmental impact. Never throw garbage, including food, overboard. Fish and other marine life cannot digest our food properly. Human food alters their natural feeding behavior as well as the nutrient balance of the reef and disrupts the natural predator-prey interaction. In conclusion, there is no better way to feel free, to enjoy the nature and relax than to take a vacation with a sailboat. An ideal choice that gives you the opportunity to visit many islands which are in close proximity between and feel like a modern Adam or Eve in a paradise with turquoise water, peaceful beaches and secluded buys. Perfect vacations, eco friendly planned for responsible people who want to conserve the environment for future generations to enjoy. Charter a sailboat and make your green dream come true. Greek islands sailing trips by https://greekislandssailing.com Greek Water Yachts Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9244208