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Author: Rony Sneijder
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See The Magic Of Greek Islands Unfurl In Front Of Your Eyes

Very few countries in the world have such varied landscapes, such well behaved natives and a thriving culture like Greece. Greece is fondly referred to as the Country of Islands and also as the land of beautiful people. True, the islands of Greece along with its people are beautiful, vibrant, classy and also contemporary. In essence Greece combines class with mass. Every year the Greek islands experience high footfall and people generally return with a bag full of memories captured in their still camera or moving handy cams. Greece offers an excellent water way communication and the best way to explore the pristine islands is by renting a boat. There are various boat rental agencies which offer their best boats and some of the best packages for adventure travelers. The country offers food for thought, solace for the soul and bliss for the mind. No wonder it bred some of the greatest minds ever. People coming to any of these islands generally find what they want from a travel destination. Take a bath in the crystal clear and warm Aegean Sea after sipping the ice cold coffee while experiencing the hustle and bustle at the harbor front. The most beautiful scene at the Greek beaches of various islands is to witness the red sun go down gradually into the sea. It leaves one feeling majestic and also a little morose because the busy day came to an end. Sitting at the seaside holding the hands of your beloved and savoring the scenic beauty is the best way to watch the culmination of your most romantic dream. To feel this unbridled joy, rent a boat in the country and set sail for the gorgeous islands. Since Greece is a conglomeration of around 3,000 islands, one must know the clusters to be able to choose wisely for a vacation. The Greek island clusters are: The Ionian Cluster- This cluster serves as the northwest gateway to the rest of Europe. The island has been influenced by several foreign invaders and its main attraction is the Corfu Island. It is dotted with fantastic beaches and a beautiful lush green landscape. The Cycladic Cluster- Santorini and Mykonos are the 2 most visited islands in the cluster. The view from these islands is wonderful as the houses lined on the coastline are chalk-white along with colored windows and sun-parched landscapes. Delos, one of the most popular archaeological sites is near Mykonos. The Saronic Gulf Cluster- Hydra is the most popular choice in this cluster. Not far from the land and conveniently placed in the middle of Athens and Peloponnese this cluster is charming. The Sporades Cluster- This forest infested destination is more like a weekend getaway destination for the natives. It is joined by a bridge with the mainland and is great for forest explorers. The North Aegean Cluster- Rent a boat and visit this cluster to discover the serenity of its beaches. Less treaded by tourists, the cluster is home to turkeys. It is also near the ancient site of Ephesus. The Dodecanese Cluster- This cluster is more rustic and sunny than the rest of the clusters. Rhodes, the biggest island in the cluster is an old town which displays a Turkish-Venetian lifestyle. Crete is the largest island in Greece and offers many activities for a traveler. It used to be the home for Minoans which was the earliest advanced civilization of Europe. Enticing beaches form an important part of this biggest Greek island. They are inviting, stunning and offer loads of beach activities to the travelers. These Greek islands are home to some of the most stunning beaches which attract millions of travelers every year. Depending on what you are looking for, take a pick of the beaches: Vlichos Beach- It can be reached on vessel from Hydra town. A beautifully pebbled beach, this one offers loads of rest to the traveler. From the boat the crystal clear blue water and the small thatched make-shift cottages appear like a page from your favorite story book. Alipa Beach- This is the perfect spot for the cliff lovers because there is cliff on northern side. The water is clean blue and it is easy to sail on this pacified water. The fishing enthusiasts can spend the entire on boat with a fishing rod catching their favorite fish. The Zakynthos Beach- This is marked by dramatic coastlines and shining sands. It is only accessible by boat or yacht and is absolutely unbeatable in its photogenic aspect. It is one of the most picturesque beaches which offer an ideal romantic situation. One the negative side, it is a bit crowded. Red Beach- The name of the beach represents its landscape which is formed from red and black frozen lava making it unique. It is quite crowded with party people at night. During the day people can take a tour of the ancient site of Akrotiri. Anchor the boat at the port and lunge around with a beverage. Kallithea Beach- Along with an interesting name, the beach also offers various kinds of sports activities for those who are interested to jump off the boat and spend some time. It has some natural hot springs and also tall pine trees lining up the coast. The best pass time is watching the rolling water of the emerald sea and savoring the idyllic scenery. All in all, Greece is the melting pot of culture, scenery and destinations. Classic yet contemporary, surreal yet palpable, Greek islands are paradise on earth. People traveling to the islands on boat can discover these islands from various perspectives. Offering loads of activities on and off beaches the country surprises travelers at every step. Most of these islands and beaches are easily accessible by boat which enables a traveler to chalk out the itinerary comfortably. Explore, live and breathe the beauty of the pristine sandy colorful coastline of Greek islands. Rony Sneijder is an online travel blogger who loves to write on boat rental services [https://airbooknboat.com/] and also the travel itinerary. He is a boating enthusiast who explores faraway lands on his vessel and shares his memorable experience regarding the same. He also researches on different boat rental services and writes about them to help others. Recently, he went to Greece on a sojourn only to discover the magic of the white land. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9626862