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Author: Desare A Kohn-Laski
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Home Ownership: Are There Hidden Values?

Far more from being an investment, home ownership gives more perks to the owners more than he or she can ever imagine. If you are somehow thinking of buying your first home, here are some hidden values divulged to you right now! It reduces instances of divorce. Why? You probably would ask. Couples living in their own homes grab privacy to much extent. Unlike when living with parents or relatives, an own home serves as a nest to foster love, harmony, understanding, and respect. Homeowners are likely to live healthier and longer. This hidden perk is anchored on the fact that newly built homes now adhere to standards that promote healthier, more sustainable, and greener way of living. From materials used to the design standards, the occupants are much into reaping better air quality inside the house. Persons with own house are less likely to develop and suffer from anxiety, depression, and other related mental health conditions. This does not erase the fact that there will still be some percentage, but to some extent conditions such as these are likely to be hampered. First, the owner is relieved from the stress of thinking of when and how to secure a safe shelter for children. Then, the owner is also freed of thinking where children will live in case something unfortunate happens. Also, an own home is a contributing factor towards the effective parent-children relationship. Children develops self-esteem. While it is true that it is upon the nurturing and guidance of parents that children develop self-esteem, it is also important to understand that aside from toys and other recreation, an own home has a big impact to a child's personality. His or her self-esteem roots from being proud that his or her parents have actually provided them with a safe and sound home. It isn't important if the house is big or small as long as it is one that is full of love and understanding. Homeowners develop a sense of camaraderie among other homeowners in the neighborhood. No man is an island. While privacy is promoted in an own home, it is still good to have other people within your surroundings. Your neighbors is one of them. Friendship will develop along time and this will be helpful in establishing cooperation among neighbors especially in times of unfortunate events, grieving, emergencies, and disasters. Now, that these perks are divulged to you, it is hoped that you understood that home ownership has intangible values too. Desare is an experienced realtor and Military Relocation Professional servicing the counties of Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade. With a team of 90 real estate agents under her, your chase for your dream house will be an easy and flawless one, assuring you to obtain all the professional assistance they can give. For more details about her services, hop on to http://www.skyelouisrealty.com. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9968930