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Author: Festus Nwagbo
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Tips on How to Maintain a Clean and Sparkling Toilet

Cleaning the toilet is one of the most uninteresting but inevitable household chores. Keeping your toilet always clean should be a task to be done at least twice a week as this will not only keep you and your family healthy but also give visitors good impression about you. Below are some of the suggestions on how to ensure a clean toilet: Always flush after use and encourage all users to also do same always. Never use bleach to clean your toilet especially for homes with children and pets. This solution is chlorinated, highly acidic and corrosive which has an adverse effect on the health of your household and the finishing of your toilet. Never flush solid objects or hard paper down the toilet as this can cause blockage along the toilet line. As a safety measure, put a trash can beside your toilet seat to always remind users that non-toilet friendly materials can be trashed in it. In order to clean your toilet, you will be needing the following: Toilet cleaner solution Toilet brush Roll of paper towel Hand gloves Bottle of distilled vinegar. Pour a toilet cleaner solution inside the bowl of your toilet seat and allow to dissolve for about 5 mins. Use a toilet brush to scrub the bowl, the sides and under the rim. Scrub very well to ensure you remove all stains and coloration around the bowl, then leave for another 10 mins. While you wait, apply disinfectant outside of the bowl touching all sides and scrub with toilet brush for a cleaner surface and after which you can flush. Next is the use of Vinegar; because of its acidic nature it kills not only germs and bacteria but also remove any lime deposits around your toilet. You can start with the toilet tank if you want to remove all the deposits that build up from tap water by pouring some quantity of vinegar inside the tank then allow to dissolve for some minutes and flush immediately several times to remove all vinegar remnants in the tank. Now back to the bowl, pour about 1 cup of vinegar inside the bowl including the top, inside rim and everywhere around the bowl. Allow it to soak for 30 mins and then scrub or wipe off with paper towel. Pour more quantity of vinegar down the toilet ensuring it fills above the water line to remove hidden bowl ring and calcium build up. While you wait for the mixture inside the toilet to react, spray the outside of the toilet with vinegar to kill every bacteria habituating anywhere around the toilet. Allow it to soak for a while and then scrub everywhere using your toilet brush both outside and inside the bowl and tank. This process should give your toilet sparkling and the most pleasant look. Do this periodically to maintain the desired look for your toilet. For more home maintenance tips and DIYs, visit http://www.frakem.com/blog. For your sales and supplies of plumbing related products, visit http://www.frakem.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9494875