10 Innovative Ways To Maximize Space in a Small Kitchen
Your kitchen is a place where you spend a considerable amount of time every day. However if the kitchen is small the same tasks appear very cumbersome and difficult to manage. To guide you we are providing 10 classic ways in which you can maximize the space in a small kitchen. 1. Opt for more wall storage- The shelves in your kitchen can be enlarged to accommodate more objects and containers. Try and fit all those things on the shelves which otherwise lie scattered on the countertops. This manner you can also reduce the clutter in your kitchen. 2. Integration of appliances- When you get a modular kitchen made you can always make sure that appliances like microwave and dishwashers are integrated in the panelling itself. Doing that saves you space on the kitchen slab and reduces the amount of stuff that is outside. 3. Hanger for pots and pans- Cookware is one of the few things that occupy a lot of space. To free some space you can install a hanger where such pots and pans can be accommodated. That ways a lot of your cabinet space can also be used for other purposes. 4. Open Wall shelves- The shelves that are made will be more convenient if you leave them open. Skip a full installation of wall cabinets and use the open shelves to keep your crockery and items that are worth displaying. 5. Pull out counters- If you think there is still shortage of space invest your money in pull out counters. This could be used for meal preparation and once over you could close it and keep it hidden. Such a counter does not interfere with your kitchen d