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Building Services - Your Guide to Foundations

What are foundations? Foundations are an element of a building project that are unseen once the project is complete. It is the load-bearing part of a building that typically is situated below ground level. Does this mean that they don't necessarily matter? Absolutely not; when planning a building's foundations it is pivotal to successfully consider every element. A predetermined plan will be required in order to execute the work. If completed without care and consideration there can be major ramifications. These may be further down the line, however, a cautious approach is always advised. If foundations are incorrectly formed there is a varying scale of outcomes. These can range from minor issues to very severe consequences. Some of the minor issues can be resolved, however in the most severe case the extension or property may need to be demolished. It is genuinely that serious to get the foundations right. This guide has been formed in order to offer a well-rounded insight into building foundations. When considering the project plan there are other elements that should be taken into account. These may include load-bearing walls, widths, depths and excavation challenges. Detail will need to be gathered about the land surrounding the planned foundations in order to gauge the best alternatives. An imperative element of the plan is to ensure that the foundations are built on solid ground. If this is not the case there can be movement and other issues faced which will later cause problems. Plans may sometimes need to be altered slightly as some issues can only be identified once the process has started. Once digging the trenches for the foundations, different problems may need to be solved. The best available advice is to ensure that your plans are over-cautious. To over-consider all elements of the building process can only lead to better preparation. Solutions can be identified at a faster rate and there is likely to be less surprises. Experience in the trade will also offer assurance as time-served builders will be well-versed in all aspects in relation to foundations. Did you know there are different variations of foundations? These include simple foundations, engineered foundations, piled foundations and raft foundations. The best variation will be identified prior to the project commencing and will be dictated to by the proposed building project and the surrounding ground. As the above information suggests, foundations can be complex. Their multi-faceted nature means that they are a challenge to get right. It is always advisable to seek the assistance of a foundation specialist in order to successfully plan your project. Careful consideration, execution and support will lead to an exceptional finish. The foundations may be invisible once the project is complete, but with the above information you will be left with the assurance that you have done your best. Your building project will stand proudly and stand the test of time. Simon Hindley Building Contractors Cheshire offer a complete building and project management service and offer advice on building foundations. For more details on building services please visit Simon Hindley Building Contractors Cheshire. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9691098